between sea and countryside
between sea and countryside

Discover the coastline from Deauville to Houlgate by sea and countryside!

A route for a day's cycling that will take you through nature and architecture as far as Houlgate. A great opportunity to (re)discover the seafront and surrounding countryside. 

Here are the details of the stages of the "Entre Mer et Campagne" tour:

A - Departure from Deauville

Jean Connait Un Rayon - Deauville peninsula

Your starting point is, of course, our Jean Connaît Un Rayon boutique on the Deauville peninsula.

B - Bénerville beach

You'll then drive along Deauville beach towards Villers-sur-Mer, where you can walk along the beach at Bénerville-sur-Mer.

C - Black cows

Continuing along the coast, you'll reach Villers-sur-Mer and then Houlgate, where you'll have the chance to catch a glimpse of the famous "Vaches noires" cliffs.

D - Houlgate

You can then continue your journey away from the shore to visit the small town of Houlgate.

E - St-Vaast-en-Auge

Finally, on the way back you can pass through St-Vaast-en-Auge to enjoy the countryside and greenery before returning to Deauville.

See also our other tours: